Saturday, August 28, 2010


Last night was fun.

We had a late dinner and all Kate wanted to do was go outside which we 8:00 p.m.

It is getting darker earlier now, but the neighbor kids were also outside. Kate essentially spent the time running from one lawn to another and she is a kick to watch. She is a speed demon, for sure. Dave said she reminds him of a little Scottie dog when she runs, a scurry of blurred feet.

The neighbor girl was trying out her roller skates and Jackie and the neighbor boy were trying to fly a night with no wind. That was fun to watch, the two of them running at top speed, Jackie with the string and the boy lagging behind with the kite and Jackie saying, "Okay, let go now!" A little Charlie Brownish what with the maple (?) trees looming every 5 to 10 feet but lo and behold, the kite did get up in the air many times for a few seconds anyway.

Too soon it became even darker, but the two boys across the street ran over for an impromptu tag session with the neighbor boy (with the mother warning, "Okay, but only for 5 minutes).

Jackie and Kate stayed on our front lawn. Kate did somersaults in dizzying circles and Jackie tried to do flips with me by holding my hands, planting her feet on my thighs and then flipping backwards. Both did their things with many glances at the neighbor kids to see if they were watching.

Soon the boys' 'five' minutes were up and they went back home and the neighbor kids went inside and it was just me and my two girls.

Jackie and Kate raced each other across the neighboring front lawns and I laughed at my Scottie dog.

We saw one lone lightning bug who apparently did not wish to be caught.

Then, we went inside.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Fourth Grade...

First day of Fourth Grade was yesterday. I didn't catch the brown boots in this picture. Can you tell the backpack weighs more than her? Kate is sad because she did not have a backpack but Jackie had her carry her lunch bag (which is like a mini-backpack and which she got from Grandma). She's a smart kid and though I wish the little one was cooperating for the middle picture, I really love Jackie's expression and body langunage in it. She finds Kate trying at times, but she loves her more than anything. You're gonna have a great year, Jackie. Love ya. Mom and Dad. NOTE: If you look closely at the left side of her backpack, you can see the bead buddy made by her cousin Sara hanging off a zipper pull.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Today was a nice day. We had lunch with Uncle Brian and then went to see Karate Kid with Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith. Last year Jackie was upset because some kids teased her and called her Jackie Chan - of course because her name is Jackie and she is Asian. I really wanted Jackie to see a Jackie Chan movie before school started because, quite frankly, Jackie Chan is awesome. He works really hard and does all his own stunts and he is funny. Jackie loved the movie, so my hope is if someone calls her Jackie Chan this year she will say, "Have you seen him in Karate Kid? Wasn't he awesome?"

Anyway, after the movie we came back to our house for a very simple dinner of which Kate ate none but, to her credit, when she asked for a fudgsicle later and I said essentially 'no', she did not put up a fuss. After Brian went home, Jackie and I worked on her two major dance numbers for her Annie play which is coming up this Friday and Saturday. It has been so fun watching these kids over last couple months. They really have worked very hard and have had so much fun working on this production. Jackie was a trooper tonight because it was late and she was very tired, but we watched the videos of Never Fully Dressed and Hard Knock Life and went over the routines and over the routines and over the routines so she could be more comfortable with her numbers. (I videotaped a couple of their practices with the choreographer, Ms. Jennifer - thanks Mom for letting us borrow the camera and burning the discs for us. Someday I'll be a grownup and learn how to be more proficient with the computer.) The kids have done great. It has been fun to watch each kid grow and develop over the last couple months.

Jackie starts school in a week and a half. I think she is ready, but I think she also enjoyed this summer. She got to try new things and spent some great quality time with her cousins. She is very, very happy that she will be getting off the bus at Grandpa's again this year. I am too. It's been really neat to watch Jackie and Dad's relationship develop over the last couple years. It's also really comforting to know that Jackie can talk to Grandpa about her day if she needs to. Plus, this means Kate will see Grandpa and Grandma often, which she loves.

Grandma has been stocking Jackie with school clothes over the past year. I did a quick count to see what we needed to fill in but Grandma scored three tan pants, three navy blue pants, one navy blue skirt, two short sleeve white shirts, three long sleeve white shirts and one dark turtle neck. I think we are actually pretty well set!! Thank you!! Grandma also went on a 40 mile bike ride today in Rolling Prairie. 40 miles is farther than LaPorte, and it takes about 40-45 minutes to drive there. Zoiks. You rock, Grandma.

Well, suppose I should turn in. I am up late because Kate's Mimi rag doll has been in desparate need of a bath so I snuck it from her bed and into the washing machine after she went to sleep.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Well-intentioned Plans

I have dishes, laundry (and laundry and laundry) and thoughts of running today, but so far all I have accomplished is:

...omelettes for breakfast with green pepper and tomatoes from garden (yum)

...being Bat Cat (from Charlie and Lola with mask made by JJ)

...being a Prince (as directed by Kate)