Monday, May 25, 2009

The beginning...

Well, I never thought I would be a blogger, or that I would even consider a blog, but I find myself wishing for a way to share the everyday happenings of my little brood with loved ones.

This has been a year of ups and downs and major changes for our family.  We are about to start on a new adventure with me staying at home with the girls.  I have gone through the feeling sick to your stomach have I made the right decision phase, the will I ever be successful at work again phase, the we need the money phase, the will I be a good stay at home mom phase, to now...the mild pit in the stomach but knowing this is the best thing for me and my family phase. 

I am really and truly looking forward to this journey of self-renewal and self-discovery. 

I am looking forward to reconnecting with my husband, family, and friends. 

Most importantly, though, I am really looking forward to being more of a part of my girls' lives. 

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. This is a great way to share the funny and sweet stuff the kids are doing--and what you and Dave are doing too.

  2. Yay! I hope you have fun with this. I find it a great way to keep everyone informed. Not to mention, I no longer fill people's inbox with large picture attachments, just a reminder to come out and look after I have updated!
