Saturday, January 23, 2010

Build a bears by Jackie

How WE love build a bears. you ASk how mAnY wE hAvE?

Thursday, January 21, 2010


making space for what matters most

You know you have a clutter issue when you are blogging about clutter. This image is actually also my first attempt to add a button to my sidebar - it worked!

Are you drowning in paper/stuff/toys/paper/paper/paper like our family? No? It's just me? Okay, well, my name is Kari and I have a clutter/organization issue. It has contributed to the CHAOS (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome) of our house for too long (credit FlyLady for that acronym - yes, it's sad I know about FlyLady). Anyway, I'm challenging myself to reduce the clutter in my house so I can create space for what matters most. I will gather one bag a night to put in the car for Goodwill (have you seen my basement? No, of course not, and this is why!) If I do not do that, I will pick one drawer, one stack, one cupboard (you get the point) a night. If I ever get to the point that I've tackled every pile, corner, nook and cranny, then I will start over.

Here's Day 1 of the COAT challenge (Come Over Any Time):

Scrub scrub scrubbed my stove.
Is that clutter? Don't know, but the kicker was when my sister (Hi Megs) thought I had dark burners. Nope, they're light grey, just like yours. Ew, I know. Anyway, they're light grey again and wow are they pretty. Looks so much better, and then I moved onto the microwave. I would have taken a picture of my stove to post here but then you'd think man does she have too much time on her hands.

Monday, January 18, 2010

You not touch my band-aid

Many tears from the little one today.

She got her second boosters of both the H1N1 and seasonal flu vaccines.  Many, many tears and concerns about people touching her band-aid.

Didn't want Dave to dress her for school after because she thought he might take off the band-aid. 

Didn't want to take a bath tonight because she thought I might take off her band-aid, or that the band-aid might inadvertently fall off in the water. 

The whole time I was washing her it was, "Don't get soap on my band-aid", "You not touch my band-aid", "You not get water on my band-aid" to which I responded, "I won't get soap on your band-aid", "I'm not touching your band-aid", "I'm not even looking at your band-aid", "What band-aid? Do you have a band-aid?"


[Dora, enjoying Grandma-made mattress and quilt]

At least some of us are sleeping well tonight.

Monday, January 11, 2010

the very very quick post

In the mad dash that is our weekday mornings around here, I am blogging. 

Does that make sense to you?

I am very excited because I actually am taking steps to enter the digital era and purchased a small flash drive (?) so i can download my pictures to that which means I am not worried about taking up memory (?) on the computer anymore which means I can actually take and share the cute pictures that I've taken and get back to recording some of the goings on here which was the whole purpose for this blog. (massive run-on sentence but am in hurry)  I did set the timer for 5 minutes so this will be a very quick post.

 Woops, there's the timer.  Am I that slow? Okay, I am giving myself just one more minute which means I will stop writing inane things so I can post a couple really cute pictures (which I did and they are on top rather than below.. still figuring this thing out).

I will leave you with Katie's first joke ever that she told Brian yesterday:

Kate: Knock-knock.
Brian: Who's there?
Kate: Banana.
Brian: Banana who?
Kate: Wot?? I can't hear you....I've got finger in my ear!!!

Apparently, she learned this from Dora the Explorer. Who knew my kid was a comedian.

Well, actually...I think we all know she's a comedian.

Have to run.  Hope everyone has a great week.